Vaginoplasty: vaginal rejuvenation plastic surgery

What is vaginoplasty?

After childbirth, frequent weight changes, and even menopause, women may suffer from vaginal laxity. The latter refers to the vagina skin getting lax and loose. Such a case results from tissues being stretched and muscles being separated. At times, some women may run into incidents like having a tampon fall out. It is important to mention that this lack of tone and firmness can contribute to sexual dysfunction, which can be a source of anxiety for partners and in turn a source of insecurity for women.

Vaginoplasty, also known as posterior colporrhaphy, is a reconstructive and cosmetic surgical procedure that aims at tightening the vagina and/or repairing the interior vaginal walls. A vaginoplasty, called also vaginal tightening surgery, puts together the separated muscles and removes the excess mucosa skin from the backside of the vagina. It can also include removing the external skin for a more aesthetic look. Some people opt for it to rebuild the pelvic floor in case the vagina tissue and muscle have been severely stretched.

Good candidates for vaginal tightening surgery

This intimate surgery works best for people with significant laxity as the non-invasive vaginal tightening performed through heating tissues with radiofrequency waves or laser cannot be of use. The best candidates for this procedure are women with bladder prolapse. Good candidates, however, have to possess overall stable health and mental state.

Vaginoplasty cost in Tunisia:

The cost of vaginoplasty in Tunisia is 70% lesser than in the United Kingdom.

Operations Our price UK price Making you save
Vaginoplasty -vaginal tightening- cost £ 1320 £ 4067 70 %

The average pricing in the United Kingdom is £ 4067; solely including anesthesia, operating room facilities, and surgeon’s fees.

The cost of vaginoplasty in Tunisia is £ 1320; all-inclusive with a recovery stay at a five-star hotel, a chance to explore our exotic Tunisia, and a dedicated assistance team by your side.

It is all the same important to note that the low pricing is due to the cheaper cost of living, the currency exchange rate, tax laws, and lower insurance cost payment on the part of Tunisian doctors.

Vaginoplasty in Tunisia

Operations Anaesthetic Procedure Time Hospital Stay Stay In Tunisia Back To Work All Inclusive Price
Vaginoplasty -vaginal tightening- Spinal or General 0:30-0:45 hour(s) 1 night(s) 2 night(s) 5-7 day(s) 1320 €

Benefits of vaginoplasty:

A virtually painless treatment, such as vaginoplasty, improves mild cases of stress urinary incontinence (SUI). This procedure helps women who usually suffer from frequent vaginal infections and vaginal dryness. The procedure can be performed on an outpatient basis, as it is non-invasive. After surgery, women can return to their daily routine, almost immediately.

How is vaginal rejuvenation surgery performed?

Before vaginoplasty surgery:

During the initial consultation, the surgeon will examine the patient’s body and particularly the vaginal area, review the patient’s medical history, and do a physical exam. The surgeon and the patient will also discuss the available options. The surgeon will clarify all surgery aspects, recommend a course of treatment, and inform the patient of likely outcomes of vagina tightening surgery and any risks or potential complications. The patient is also asked to do bowel prep prior to the procedure.

During vaginoplasty surgery:

The vaginoplasty procedure is performed on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia and lasts from one to two hours.

Once the surgeon determines the needed amount of tightening to be done, they will proceed to make a pie-shaped wedge. The latter serves to delineate the excess skin to be removed from inside the vagina. The tissues, underlying the skin, are to be tightened with solid sutures. Once the surgeon tightens the vaginal canal, they will move to suturing the mucosal skin. In the case of protruding extra skin, the surgeon can work on reducing it as well for a more aesthetic outcome.

Post-operative effects & recovery after vaginoplasty:

After vaginoplasty, patients will need to gently wash the area with water and soap, on a regular basis. The area will have slight swelling and bruising for two to four weeks. Patients may feel some pain for less than a week following the surgery, but pain medication will be prescribed to make the healing process easier. For six weeks, it is important that the patient refrains from any vaginal insertion, such as tampons or intercourse, for complete healing and prevention of incision reopening.

After vaginal plastic surgery, patients may need a week off from work to rest and avoid strenuous activities. Some patients may be instructed to use dilators, depending on the amount of tightening performed.

Results of vaginoplasty:

This procedure typically guarantees a tighter vaginal canal, which can help enhance sexual satisfaction. The muscles’ tone at the vaginal entrance is improved. The preservation of the total surface area of the vaginal mucosa is guaranteed.

Risks & complications of vaginal plastic surgery:

The risks of vaginoplasty are rare. However, when they do occur, additional medications or surgery may be required. Such risks may include infection, bleeding, deformity, scarring, and pain during intercourse. 

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